在這裡Vivian 分享給大家我自己的範本 (請勿抄襲喔!), 希望對大家有幫助 !!
加拿大的履歷表跟台灣的履歷表不同的就是: 簡單明瞭。 雇主不會花時間看太複雜的履歷...
1. Objective 目的 (也就是我這份履歷表主要應徵甚麼職缺) 需要依照不同的公司內容做修改喔!
2. Profile 自我介紹
PS: Volunteer 志工經驗 (國外滿注重這個,有的話可以寫進去)
3. Work Experience工作經驗
4. Education 教育程度
Resume Template 履歷書範例
Name: First/Last姓名
- (Current Address, City, Country, Postal Code) 打上地址
Provide the current address and postal directions specific to your locale or country. - (Telephone Number)電話
- (Email Address) E-Mail
Education 教育程度
(Institution name) (City and Country) (Dates from-to)學校名稱-城市國家-擔任日期
- Level of education: Please provide the name of your degree or highest level of education completed. 教育程度: 請提供最高學歷學校
- Awards: Please state any awards or recognitions you received. 得獎經歷: 提供你曾經得過的獎項
- Training: Please indicate any additional training you have received. 訓練: 你曾經有過哪些額外訓練經驗
(Institution name) (City and Country) (Dates from-to)學校名稱-城市國家-擔任日期
Level of education: Please provide the name of your degree or highest level of education completed.教育程度: 請提供最高學歷學校
- Awards: Please state any awards or recognitions you received.得獎經歷: 提供你曾經得過的獎項
- Training: Please indicate any additional training you have received.訓練: 你曾經有過哪些額外訓練經驗
Work Experience 工作經驗
(Please begin with your most recent work experience) 從最近一次工作開始
(Employer) (Job title) (City and Country) (dates from-to)
公司名- 職位-城市與國家 –開始上班日期—到…
- Please provide a brief summary of your work duties and responsibilities.提供工作內容及負責範圍
(Employer) (Job title) (City and Country) (dates from-to)
- Please provide a brief summary of your work duties and responsibilities.
Volunteer Experience (If any) 義工經驗
(Institution) (Job title) (City and Country) (dates from-to)
Please provide a brief description of your volunteer duties and responsibilities.訓練: 你曾經有過哪些額外訓練經驗
另外, 除了履歷之外,另外一個就是Cover Letter, 也就是台灣比較少的文件,但在國外是必須的,如果是要面試正式一點的工作,通常是需要的。
這個的重點就在於,要讓看妳履歷表的人初步認識你,順便打個招呼這樣,以下Vivian提供自己的Cover Letter給大家參考:
這邊有教大家如何寫 履歷及Cover letter的影片, 提供給需要的朋友 !!
Cover Letter
最後, 祝大家都能找到理想的工作喔!!!
IES國際留學, 顧問Vivian
Line: yoyomiss1121
SKype: tilc-study
E-Mail: info@iesstudy.com.tw
web: www.iesstudy.com.tw